
Oliviana is more than a month old and we have certainly had our fair share of blessings and challenges.  Her pattern of eating (every 2 hours) exceeded both mine and my wife’s expectations.   Brandyce has said at times, “I thought this would be easier!”  Taking care of a newborn is a lot of work, but it pays off every time she smiles at us, falls asleep on one of us, or is simply wide-eyed taking in the world around her.  

This past week has been uncharacteristically difficult for us, though, because both Brandyce and Oliviana have a cold.  I find myself worrying about both of them – but where the priority for me used to be taking the best care of Brandyce, now my priority is taking the best care of Oliviana and checking-in on Brandyce.  It has been challenging enough for us to call in reinforcements – my in-laws.   My mother-in-law was here yesterday while I was at work, and she slept here last night.   It was a tremendous help having someone that could take care of Brandyce so that she could take care of Livy.  And then when Brandyce needed rest, having someone here who could take care of Livy.   God bless help!

As for our sleeping patterns, I find myself going to bed earlier than normal and getting up earlier than normal.  Due to the extreme cold spell, we have been sleeping on the couches to keep Livy warmer.   So when I get up early in the morning, I send Brandyce upstairs for a few hours of better rest while I watch Livy.  

All in all, we have a working pattern, but it is still a challenging one.  My biggest concern is Livy’s health right now, and I am very anxious for her to kick this cold!  

– The Father