Recently, there seems to be an inordinate amount of bad luck surrounding my family. My wife passed out in February and crashed her car with the girls in it – thankfully everyone was ok – but it could have been tragic. As a result of that medical event, my wife can no longer drive for at least a year, perhaps longer. As you can imagine, this puts a huge hardship on the entire family. To make things more complicated, she continues to have episodes of passing out every once in a while, which makes it prudent for her not to carry the kids up or down stairs anymore. Back to the driving – not only can she not drive, but I have to take her for many doctor appointments while the doctors try to figure out what is wrong, and I also have had to re-arrange my work arrangements so that I can spend more time working from home so that I can drive everyone places. I am working longer hours to make up the time, doing more chores at home, and pretty much burning the candle at both ends. Where am I going with all of this? It’s easy for someone in a predicament like this to ask for pity. It’s easy to lose track of all of the good things in the world and focus on the current uptick in negative things. But that’s just not in my DNA. I don’t want pity, though help is always welcome. I come home every day from work and give the family a big hug. I’m happy that everyone is healthy, and that I get to see and enjoy their presence another day. So in the face of all of the recent bad luck bestowed on my family, I still feel like the luckiest guy around to have, and be a part of, such an amazing family.